Mountain MEET 2k19

Mountain meet 2k19
Once a year at the end of September Balsam Lake lodge is taken over by a group of people I almost like to call family. Fellow Volvo nerds and all over automotive nuts, there is always some cool crazy old swapped Volvos . This year we had Kyle longs amazon wagon with a five cylinder swap, a crazy 142 with a Nissan vg turbo, and many more I cant remember off the top of my head. Pictures this year were taken with a 35mm film camera.

The Food
As always we ate GOOD. The griddle was always hot weather it was for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Saturday night was "the night" everyone brings local beer of their choice, as we all feast on bbq that had been cooking for the past 24 hours. Just as one big family everyone has a dish or a recipe to provide. With great laughter and many stories told. 
The drive 
The drive is always something that we are always excited for as a group. Many people in this group don't have a chance to do this type of driving with roads as straight as a wet noodle .This usually is about a 3 hour drive planned out by Jared Gant, our resident local to the area and master mind of this whole get together. 

Thank you to everyone who came all the memories and all the love. thank you to Jared and his family for the hard work to make this happen. cant wait to do it all over again next year! 


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